Yellow Banks Recovery Center Begins Phased Opening

This weekend, Addiction Recovery Care (ARC) will begin to open Yellow Banks Recovery Center, its first residential treatment program in western Kentucky. Initially, ARC will be transitioning clients to Yellow Banks from its other treatment centers who are close to completing treatment. ARC is working toward a full opening date this fall, when they will begin to welcome new clients. An onsite ribbon cutting with Gov. Andy Beshear and local officials is scheduled for Aug. 3, 2023.

Located at 3136 West 2nd Street in Owensboro, Yellow Banks will be able to deliver care for up to 300 women once fully operational. ARC completed extensive renovations to the property, which was originally built as a motel, to provide the best accommodations for its clients. Updates include extensive landscaping, a new outdoor recreation and a new medical office suite.

“We are excited to be moving forward with a partial opening of ARC’s first residential treatment program in western Kentucky,” said Sarah Adkins, Yellow Banks site administrator. “ARC’s presence in our region will be critical in helping more of our community members reach long-term recovery from substance use disorders.”

Yellow Banks will offer ARC’s nationally recognized “Crisis to Career” model, which combines treatment with job training, education and life skills to set up clients for success long after they’ve completed the program.

The facility is expected to create 125 new jobs. For more information on open positions, please visit